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Адрес: 105066, г. Москва,
Старая Басманная ул., д. 21/4
Павловец М. Г., Агеносов В., Капица В. и др.
М.: Директ-Медиа, 2025.
Slavic Literatures (ранее - Russian Literature). 2025. № 1. С. 1-19.
В кн.: Сборник статей по итогам работы Международной научно-практической конференции «Родной и иностранный языки в поликультурном пространстве». Сургут: Сургутский государственный университет, 2025.
3 – 13 апреля 2012 состоялся курс из пяти лекций профессора Джоанны Николс (Johanna Nichols, University of California, Berkeley) «Linguistic diversity in space and time: An introduction to geolinguistics»
In some parts of the world (such as the Caucasus or the Pacific coast of North America or the north of Australia) there are very many different languages of different types; in other places (such as the Eurasian steppe, southern Australia, and North Africa) there are fewer languages. Some language families have very many descendent languages (e.g. Austronesian, 1000+ languages) and some have few (e.g. Kartvelian, four languages) or just one (e.g. Basque, Burushaski, Korean, Zuni). Some languages have hundreds of millions of speakers and some have just a few hundred. Some languages have very complex grammars and some are much simpler. Some structural properties of languages are common worldwide; some are rare.
This course introduces students to the factors that are responsible for these uneven distributions: accidents of geography, economic history, and interactions between speakers and between societies. Today's globalization, in its effects on languages, is a large-scale illustration of these factors, and the course will look briefly at some prehistoric and historical examples when the same process has applied at subglobal scales.